The ITCC Intl. Tea Training Center is located in the beautiful Riviera Maya, Mexico. Conveniently located to serve tea students in the Western hemisphere and beyond, the training center hosts a variety of tea educational programs and events including professional tea tasting training. While, visiting specific tea origin countries is wonderful, the ITCC tea training center holds courses on all major tea producing regions under one roof. Our secluded facility is safer, less expensive, more efficient, and closer than traveling to distant lands and enduring lengthy flights. The center is in a gated community immediately next to federally protected coastline inhabited by sea-turtles, a vast array of marine life and inspiring beaches. Of course, for those ready for tea-adventures in the tea gardens of China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, we also have our acclaimed Immersion Programs.
Course discounts for ITCC Members !! Member and Non-member deposits are shown on the page for each course. An invoice for the balance due for the course(s) will be sent upon receipt of the Registration Form.