
It is the objective of the Cupping Events to provide members a unique tasting experience of the finest teas in the world while at the same time return useful and actionable information back to the manufactureres and suppliers in order to improve production methods and quality. Cuppers come from all levels of tea, including tea makers, dealers, professionals and tea lovers. The comments of every level are useful and convey a range of perspectives not usually available to sources and suppliers. While the nature of tasting is subjective, all Cuppers follow specified guidelines when preparing and evaluating the samples. The goal is to end up with unbiased evaluations yet with the diversity of different perspectives.

  1. All members (except for producers/suppliers of the teas being evaluated) may register for Cupping Events. Cuppers for each event are confirmed based on the first 16 members who register.
  2. Test samples are evaluated over a 3 week testing period and Cuppers must be able to complete the event.
  3. Cupping notes are posted to the ITCC Community Board page for each event by Monday using the online evaluation form. Comments are consolidated and posted for all to see by Wednesday. Once the event has concluded, comments are summarized and posted by Friday. Comments and evaluations are available to all members at any time.
  4. Evaluations are conducted according to standard methods. Specific instructions are included with each Cupping Event Sample Kit. After the initial cupping evaluation, Cuppers are encouraged to explore “bracketing” infusion methods. These may include varying the amount of tea leaf infused, water temperature, water sources, infusion time, number of infusions, even different brewing vessels. Bracketed evaluations are optional but cuppers may offer their comments in a companion online evaluation form.